Church Membership
How to become a member at Parkhills
By Baptism
Those who are placing their trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord, or who have previously trusted Jesus as Savior and Lord, and wish to be baptized as a statement of their faith and as a symbol of their trust in Christ.
By Transfer of Letter
Those who are a member of another Baptist church.
By Statement of Faith in Christ
Those individuals who are members of a church of like faith and belief and have previously been Biblically baptized by immersion.
Discover Parkhills (November 17 @ 12pm)
New members are required to attend a session of Discover Parkhills, which we offer approximately six times a year on Sunday afternoon following the morning Worship Service. You will have an opportunity to meet the pastors and staff and learn about our Mission to Connect Everyday people to Jesus in every way.
We believe that the Bible instructs all believers to be members of a local church and to actively support that church. The expectations of new members are outlined in the attached Church Covenant, which all adults (age 18 and above) requesting membership are expected to read and sign. In addition, all adult new members are required to attend a session of Discover Parkhills, which we offer approximately six times a year on Sunday afternoon following the morning Worship Service.